
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists

The mental well-being of a child or adolescent can be impacted by various factors, including family dynamics, school experiences, and life events. Unfortunately, the number of children and teenagers diagnosed with a mental health disorder in Australia has increased, with approximately one in seven now affected.

We provide the highest standard of treatment and service for children and adolescents requiring psychiatric care. We offer comprehensive psychiatric assessments giving you a total overview of your child’s mental health that, once completed, provides you with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

After your psychiatric assessment, you will be referred on to a member of our psychology team to continue your therapy journey. Our psychologists and psychiatrists work closely together to give you the best clinical outcomes possible.

Prior to accepting your child, our psychiatrist will triage your referral. We take the time to ensure we are able to support your child. To start this process, simply contact us to speak to Sally, Yara’s dedicated admin point of contact. Sally will walk you through the process going forwards.


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Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr Ettore Guaia is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with thirty-five years experience in Australia, the UK and Italy.