Dr. Ettore Guaia

Dr. Ettore Guaia

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr Ettore Guaia is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with thirty-five years experience in Australia, the UK and Italy.

Dr Guaia’s broad experience comes from work in the community, private practice, on In-patient wards and in acute psychiatry. He currently sees clients from 0 to 18 with a particular emphasis on mood disorders (such as depression and anxiety) and complex post traumatic disorder and somatic symptom disorders.

Dr Guaia works collaboratively with young people and their families to undertake a comprehensive assessment of their needs and in treatment planning. Dr Guaia is well versed in psychopharmacology and prescribes medications when these are indicated. Ettore’s main therapeutic approach uses both systemic family therapy and individual psychoanalytical psychotherapy.

Dr Guaia does offer assessments for neurodevelopmental disorders in collaboration with allied health team.

Dr Guaia does not undertake medico-legal work. Dr Ettore Guaia will not see young people who are under the care of social services or in out of home care placement or where both parents are not consenting for the assessment.