Marten Johns

Marten Johns


Marten is a Registered Psychologist, Clinical Family Therapist and accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Marten works with individuals, couples, families, children and organisations, engaging with clients in fostering an approach tailored to suit their needs.

Working in the mental health field for over 20 years, Marten has worked in private practice as well as Government and Non-Government settings.

In addition to providing psychological services in practice, Marten has been involved with the training and supervision of Counsellors, Psychologists and Family Therapists from University and TAFE. He has also been involved with the Australian Association of Family Therapy.

Marten provides Psychological Services to assist an individual in dealing with how they feel, think and interact, aiming to reduce distress around depression and anxiety, and to enhance emotional wellbeing.

Psychological services for children, teenagers and parents relate to ADD, ADHD, Autism, Conduct Disorders, Learning Problems, School difficulties and Bullying. Couple and Family Therapy sessions assist in exploring the complexity of relationships and devising strategies for change. Mediation and Dispute Resolution is a process by which a neutral third party helps people in conflict to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement, developing options and alternatives to gain a practicable solution, particularly in regard to co-parenting matters.

Marten uses a wide range of therapy modalities which he tailors to each client’s presenting issues to get the best outcome:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and Schema Focussed Therapy.